Aren't they really nice? I'm not talking about my booties but the pattern. First time I saw them I thougt that I should knit a pair of them but then I didn't know a baby or a child young enough to put them on, so I had to wait. These days a friend of mine have just had a baby. This, finally, gave me the oportunity to knit them!
Pattern is really easy and fast to knit. I used less than a half of a handpainted sock yarn and 2,25mm needles. The result is smaller than the original pattern...and this probably means that they will be able to be used only for this week. Latter my friend's baby will have grown up to much! I will have to repeat them...
2 comentaris:
Te han quedado preciosas las sartjees booties. Yo tampoco veo ningún bebé a la vista, por eso aún no las he tejido. Porque el patrón es muy bonito. Un besote. Muak.
Mooooooooooooooooolt maques!!
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