Yarn: KPPPM. 1 skein (9 inches lengh foot).
Needles: 2'75 mm circulars.
Gauge: 28 = 10 cm.
Lace pattern: Bead stitch. Multiple of 7 stitches.
R1: K1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1.
R2: k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk.
R3: k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1.
R4: k2, yo, s1-k2tog-psso, yo, k2.
Using figure 8 cast-on, cast on 8 stitches in each needle. Follow instructions till you have increased to 28 stitches in each needle.
knit 2 rounds.
Start with lace pattern. Repeat it 4 times. K all stitches of second needle. Knit rows 2 to 4 following the same instructions. Repeat it for 14 times more or the number of times you need to optain the desidered lengh (heel measures aproximately 2 inches)
Use short rows method as follow:
R1: knit till last stitch, T&W (you should slip the stitch you have just wrapped back to the left needle).
R2: purl to last stitch, T&W.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 till you have eight unwrapped stitches, finishing with a purlwise row.
Next row 1: knit till the first wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and knit it together with the stitch it was wrapping, T&W.
R2; purl till the first wrapped stitch, pick up the wrap and ssp it with the stitch it was wrapping, T&W.
R3: knit till the first doble wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and k all them together with the stitch, T&W.
R4: purl till the first doble wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and sssp all them with the stitch, T&W.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 till there is only one doble wrapped stitch left at each side.
Next row: knit till the last doble wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and k all them together with the stitch, T&W.
R20: yo backwards, purl till the last doble wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and sssp all them with the stitch, T&W.
R21: (joining round) yo, k all stitches, slip yo you previosly did to the other needle and knit it together with first stitch (you will be on the first row of the lace pattern), continue with lace pattern, as follow: k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1, *k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1* (repeat two times), k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, slip next stitch to the second needle and k it toghether with the yo. Slip the new stitch back to the first needle, repeat *k1, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1* four times.
R22-24: knit 8 repeats of row two lace pattern.
Repeat lace pattern twice.
Picot hem:
k 5 rounds.
Next round: k2tog, yo.
k5 rounds.
Bind off: sew every stitch with the bump that every stitch forms on the ws corresponding to the first k round.
And...that's all!
9 comentaris:
Qué bonics t'han quedat Núria!
Crec que serà el proper patró de mitjons que faci... clar que primer hauré de conseguir teva llana... mmmm
Me encantan los calcetines cortos. Muchas gracias por compartir el patron :)
nena, d'aquí a no res et veuré publicada a una revista :O
Otia Núria, k Güai!!!!
Flippo amb la teva pàgina... bé mes que amb la pàgina, amb les teves creacions, Kina pasada! m' encanta tot!, els mitjons, bufandres, tortugues, bolsos... i a mes tot molt ben presentat... Enhorabona!
Qué bonitos! a ver si algún día me atrevo con los calcetines, son como mi asignatura pendiente :-)
Son bellos tus calcetines y ami me encantan así cortos , muy lindos de verdad. Saludos Nutsue desde Venezuela
Preciosos, el diseño me encanta...otros más a mi lista ;)
Gracias por el patrón :)
Y los colores de la koigu...ainsssss... que envidia envidiosa!!!!
gracias por compartir el patron!
Que buena idea tus calcetines impresionistas...
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