dimecres, 16 d’abril del 2008


Today It's my blog's birthday. Last year, on April 16th, I wrote my first post. Since then I've written 36 posts. Most of them talk about my knitting projects, but there are some in which I have talked about my other hobbies, such as traveling or trekking.

Once, a friend told me that my blog was a mirrow of me...reading it you could know how I am. So, I suppose that this means that I also talk about me...

I've spent a good time writing all those posts. You can't imagine so happy I was the first time that someone left a comment on a post! Since then I've realised that some people read my blog and I hope they like it.

I will go on writting for another year...at least, this is my actual purpose but better, we talk about this on April 16th 2009!

Thanks for reading!

6 comentaris:

Carol ha dit...

Feliz cumple blog!!!!! y que vengan muchos más llenos de alegrias y bellos proyectos :D

hay torta o no??? si es así me guardas un trozo !!?? jijiji...

Un abrazo grande grande y miles de cariños y besos para tí


Belen ha dit...

Felicitats noia!
A mi m'encanta el teu blog i sóc una lectora fidel.
Una abraçada.

Os Tartarouchos ha dit...

Feliz aniversario!! Y que cumpla muchos más!

Pushka ha dit...

It deserves a contest xDD Japi berdeis tu yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

Pilar ha dit...

Feliz cumpleblog preciosa :)

Anònim ha dit...

Me parece muy original tu blog , hace algunos años visité España y me pareció un país muy hermoso tengo un amigo en Ciudad Rodrigo que es un amor y Salamanca es espectacular, no conozco Barcelona pero sí he visto fotos y se vé que es hermosa te invito a visitar mi blog http://lostejidosdesandra.blogspot.com