La bona notícia és que he començat i he acabat dues cosetes. Els meus primers mitjons que, per variar, em van quedar unes quantes talles més grans del compte. De moment no hi ha foto perquè sembla que al destinatari, que aquesta vegada ha estat el meu germà, li han agradat molt i no se'ls treu!
I uns guants amb dits que, amb pena dels candidats a propietaris, per una vegada m'han sortit de la meva talla! Em sap greu, la llana de colors m'agradava massa com per no assegurar-me que m'anessin bé. Aquí teniu la referència: Comprada a Oyambre de Barcelona.
Yes, I did it again! Instead of finishing one of my unfinished projects, I started something new. And what it's worse, I thing I have added another project to my "unfinished projects list"! but all of us know that knitting scarves isn't the most funny thing for a knitter...
The good new is that I have started and finished two other projects. On one hand I knitted my first pair of socks, but as it's usual in me, I did them some sizes too big for my feet. So I gave them to my brother who, I think, is proud of his new pair of handmade socks. I haven't got any time to take a picture of them because they are too often on his feet!
On the other hand, I have just finished a pair of colorful gloves. This time I'm so sorry for my knitted accessories fans but I did them in the correct size, that means, my size. You can see the yarn used here: I bought it at Oyambre in Barcelona.

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